Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feb update

This is part of an update I sent to the others in my program. Sorry if it is repeating information I've said before:

Everything is going well. I'm finding myself falling in love with Iquique and very aware that God has a reason for me to be here. I'm trying to stay open to that.

I haven't actually started working yet. I'm going to be doing programming for an after-school program called SEREIMI, but it doesn't start until March b/c the kids are in their summer break right now. So, in the meantime, I've been attending the church that hosts SEREIMI.. It's more conservative (theologically) than I'm used to, but I love the people and am focusing on building relationships. There are two gringo volunteers here building windows for a new church building, so I go eat lunch with them a few times a week which is prepared by church members. That has enabled me to build relationships with the Gringos as well as the church members. I've also helped at the work site with painting and other things.

I've been taking Spanish lessons three times a week which has been a HUGE help since I'd been preparing to speak Portuguese. And my Spanish teacher is not from Iquique or Chile but she's lived here for eleven years so she's able to teach me a lot "Chilenismos" and other cultural things that have helped with my adapting, since she had to learn them too.

I've been trying to get to know the area better, now that my Spanish is improving. I've been "shown" around, but I feel much more comfortable venturing out on my own now. I can actually give a taxi driver directions verbally and answer their questions for clarification which is a huge accomplishment b/c it requires understanding them, and Chileans talk fast. And I'm starting to get used to tuning out the whistling, horn honking, and commenting of Chilean men as I walk down the street. I even know what those slang comments mean now thanks to some of the people from church giving me a class on "Chilenismos" (words used only in Chile).

Social life is picking up. I've been hanging out with some of the young adults from church. I also hang out at Becky's house a lot. She's my supervisor-UM Missionary person. She's been a huge support and is a really cool person.

I've been living with an elderly guy from church-renting a room-for the month of February. I just got an apartment! I'll be moving in for March. I will be traveling with Becky to Santiago Feb. 27-March 2 for a conference on the Social Institutions of the Chilean Methodist Church. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more. Love you all!

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